Canadian Lawyer

May 2024

The most widely read magazine for Canadian lawyers

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Canadian LAW AWARDS 2024 44 CASE AWARD Judged on a single case's size and complexity and the extent to which it set new standards of excellence in the delivery of legal services by the team. COMMERCIAL LITIGATION TEAM OF THE YEAR BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW DEPARTMENT OF THE YEAR CANADIAN LAW DEPARTMENT OF THE YEAR LAW DEPARTMENT INNOVATION IN-HOUSE AWARDS Judged on the quantity, quality, importance, and innovativeness of legal work performed during calendar year 2023 WINNER McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Canada (Privacy Commissioner) v. Facebook, Inc., 2023 FC 533 EXCELLENCE AWARDEES Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG), Ouellet c. Compagnie de chemin de fer Canadien Pacifique, 2022 QCCS 4643 Bennett Jones LLP; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG); Branch MacMaster LLP; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP; Dutton Brock LLP; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin WINNER BMO Financial Group WINNER Teck Resources Limited EXCELLENCE AWARDEES BMO Financial Group Dow Chemical Canada EY Canada (Ernst & Young LLP) Linamar Corporation Legal Department Northland Power Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation / ("Infrastructure Ontario" or "IO") The Descartes Systems Group Inc. WINNER City of Vaughan EXCELLENCE AWARDEES Fengate Asset Management iA Financial Group OPTrust EXCELLENCE AWARDEE Laurentian Bank of Canada LLP; Koskie Minsky LLP; Lerners LLP; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP; Stikeman Elliot LLP; Thomas Gold Pettingill LLP, Workman Optometry Corporation et al. v. Certas Home and Auto Insurance et al. Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP; Dentons Canada LLP, Petty v. Niantic Inc., 2023 BCCA 315 Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, Sandoz Canada Inc. v. British Columbia, 2023 BCCA 306 THE DYE & DURHAM AWARD FOR LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT IN THE LEGAL PROFESSION – IN -HOUSE WINNER Andrea Wood, TELUS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Dye & Durham is one of the world's largest legal software providers. Our software helps law firms do more with less effort, get paid faster, and make better decisions with confidence. From intake to invoice, and everything in between. Dye & Durham has everything you need to run your legal practice.

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