Canadian Lawyer

May 2024

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HUMBLED & HONOURED SINCERELY When we were first recognized as a top Personal Injury Boutique in 2011, we promised to make every possible effort to stay at the top. Thirteen years later we still are. Thank you to our colleagues, clients, friends, and especially our clerks and support team. 877 771 7006 19 collaboration with healthcare professionals and rehabilitation teams. "Our clients appreciate it when we spend time with them and simplify these complex matters so they can make an educated deci- sion," Irantalab says. McLeish Orlando LLP Despite the fast pace of technological advancements and other changes in the legal profession, the Top Personal Injury Boutique prioritizes a personal touch. Recognized for its dedication, high-level expertise, and going above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction and results, McLeish Orlando LLP has a reputation as a compassionate and hands-on advocate. "After 25 years, our core philosophy remains the same: doing the right thing for the client and putting them first," says partner Dale Orlando. That unwavering commitment to clients is achieved by limiting the size of its practice and the cases it takes to ensure quality and results. The firm also heavily invests finan- cially in each file to cover every eventuality. Partner Patrick Brown highlights that the firm's specialized teams are instrumental in "At the end of the day, the results matter, and what allows us to get the results we do is preparation" Ben Irantalab, Oatley Vigmond LLP

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