Canadian Lawyer

May 2024

The most widely read magazine for Canadian lawyers

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Page 38 of 51 37 Challenges spur on top Quebec firms to leading edge The stakes have never been higher for Quebec law firms striving to maintain their competi- tive edge. However, the top-ranked legal leaders have earned their sterling reputa- tions with bold, innovative, and collaborative approaches that achieve optimal client results while engaging and motivating their staff. For Dunton Rainville, Tanguay states, "We focus on our client's success for today and tomorrow, but always with an eye on long-term growth. In this sense, we give our young talent much room for growth and accomplishment. We want them to grow so the company can continue strengthening its leadership position." Trudel of Lavery emphasizes, "You must position yourself as a trusted strategic busi- ness adviser offering support beyond simple legal advice. We take a pragmatic, hands-on approach to collaborating with our clients as well as with law firms outside Quebec and their clients, never losing sight of their busi- ness realities and always providing creative, practical, and accessible advice." The ability of Quebec-based lawyers to practise in both official languages and to advise on French-language matters is vital to its innovative edge, notes Gagnon. "With its full range of firms, including regional, national, global, and boutique, Quebec's legal industry has always been and continues to be well equipped and well posi- tioned to meet the market's evolving and growing needs," he adds. 1 Lavery de Billy LLP 2 Langlois Lawyers LLP 3 Cain Lamarre LLP 4 BCF Business Law 5 Dunton Rainville LLP Phone: 514 866 6743 Email: Website: 6 Therrien Couture Joli-Coeur SENCRL 7 De Grandpré Chait SENCRL 8 Stein Monast LLP 9 Lapointe Rosenstein Marchand Melançon LLP 10 Robinson Sheppard Shapiro LLP QUEBEC REGIONAL FIRMS 2024–25 Top 10 INSIGHTS As part of our editorial process, Key Media's researchers interviewed the subject matter experts below for an analysis of this report. Jean-François Gagnon Chief executive officer Langlois Lawyers LLP Anik Trudel Chief executive officer Lavery de Billy LLP

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