Canadian Lawyer

May 2024

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36 TOP 10 QUEBEC REGIONAL FIRMS 2024–25 Top Quebec law firms embrace the future Gagnon cites talent, balancing in-person and remote work, and developing the expertise needed for future opportunities as top-of- mind challenges. "Addressing this must all be part of a firm's strategic planning to ensure success," he remarks. Trudel believes the hurdles inherent in integrating emerging technologies such as AI into a firm's legal practice cannot be understated. "Law firms and companies alike are instinctively turning to technology solu- tions that may or may not involve artifi- cial intelligence to reduce the time it takes to perform certain repetitive processes to which professionals bring little added value," she notes. "From an ethical stand- point, lawyers need to understand that taking an interest in the emergence of these new technologies is a responsibility they have toward their clients." Lavery, for example, has created its own generative AI tool, an interface enabling its members to access different versions of the ChatGPT chatbot. It has also launched a new business intelligence position to develop complementary services to better serve and support clients. With a view to the future, Dunton Rain- ville has set its sights on doing what it does best: bringing its award-winning legal exper- tise and services closer to the people. Expan- sion plans that showcase its broad expertise are in the works, with a particular focus on real estate, commercial, and banking laws. "Our growth will continue by being present in the community and business circles, and having new offices in other areas of Quebec," Tanguay states. "But always with the same values and passion that we've built from the ground up because, first and fore- most, we are professionals, and our best calling card is our cutting-edge expertise." The firm has experienced growth in its real estate, commercial, and banking prac- tice areas. It has hired several new partners who personify the firm's values, overcoming the challenge of attracting talent, which law firms in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada have experienced. "We're out in the field identifying young talent and are involved with Quebec's leading law faculties, particularly the Université de Montréal and the Univer- sité de Sherbrooke," notes Tanguay. "We also only have one level of partners, which makes for a relatively young, dynamic, and collaborative environment in which the whole office benefits." In 2023, the firm made a $110,000 donation to the Faculty of Law of the Université de Sherbrooke, along with the subsequent creation of the Fonds Dunton Rainville. That commitment to nurturing new talent continues with new hires, where senior lawyers act as mentors, giving advice and assigning cases. YEARS AS A BARREAU DU QUÉBEC MEMBER Source: Federation Statistics Report 2022, Federation of Law Societies of Canada ( 6,807 4,583 3,831 3,278 2,829 8,646 Admission–5 years 6–10 years 11–15 years 16–20 years 21–25 years 26+ years SPECIAL REPORT

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