Canadian Lawyer

May 2024

The most widely read magazine for Canadian lawyers

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34 TOP 10 QUEBEC REGIONAL FIRMS 2024–25 CANADIAN LAWYER'S 2024–25 ranking of the top law firms in Quebec evokes a sense of déjà vu as, once again, the reigning cham- pions have been voted the best by the maga- zine's readers. From thousands of votes and 38 distin- guished nominees, the top 10 firms stand tall in an ever-evolving legal landscape with their unwavering dedication to: CRÈME DE LA CRÈME • legal expertise • service excellence • technology integration • fostering a thriving corporate culture Langlois Lawyers LLP chief execu- tive Jean-François Gagnon highlights the ability to navigate a unique combination of economic conditions and significant techno- logical changes as a hallmark of a leading law firm. His firm, a bastion of the Quebec legal scene, is known for its all-around excellence. "This state of flux is already impacting how our clients do business and our legal services are delivered," he explains. "A top legal firm in Quebec, and anywhere else for that matter, must clearly understand and anticipate how our clients can and will navigate these changing conditions to remain successful. And the current state of global geopolitical affairs is complex and highly volatile, creating many long-term uncertainties." Anik Trudel, CEO at Lavery de Billy LLP, leads another stalwart of CL's annual top firm ranking. She offers her perspective on the crucial elements that feature promi- nently among the legal titans. "A leading law firm in Quebec sets itself apart by providing in-depth advice on complex issues and doing so uncompromis- ingly," she states. "It must deliver effective results through a full range of legal services supported by strong technology to meet client needs and expectations. These prin- ciples lay the foundation for lasting relation- ships based on mutual trust with clients." Trudel notes that embodying excellence while fostering alliances is critical to being at the leading edge, along with capacities such as: TOTAL MEMBERSHIP OF THE BARREAU DU QUÉBEC AS OF OCTOBER 2023 (29,358 MEMBERS) Source: Federation Statistics Report 2022, Federation of Law Societies of Canada ( 16,496 Female Male 12,862 SPECIAL REPORT

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