Canadian Lawyer

May 2024

The most widely read magazine for Canadian lawyers

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CONTENTS @canlawmag 2 CHECK IT OUT ONLINE CANADIANLAWYERMAG.COM CONNECT WITH US Got a story or suggestion, or just want more information? UPFRONT 01 Editor's desk Speculating AI's effect on lawyers OPINION 13 Alternative fee arrangements Will AI eliminate hourly billing? 48 Back page Taking action against sexual harrassment PEOPLE 10 Leena Yousefi Four-day workweek and unique salary policies adopted at YLaw FEATURES 33 Top 10 Quebec Regional Firms Lawyers at highest-ranked firms consider strategies that led to their success 41 Canadian Law Awards 2024 Stars of the legal profession illuminated with esteemed awards SPECIAL REPORT TOP PERSONAL INJURY BOUTIQUES Voters recognize the compassion behind the best personal injury specialist firms in the country PROFILE 'CALGARY CURRICULUM' Ian Holloway's experiential learning approach at University of Calgary 06 FEATURES BEST OF INHOUSE INTERVIEWS In-house counsel discuss their challenges, successes, and plans 24 15 FEATURES PREDATORY MARRIAGE Legislative reform essential to protect older adults as population ages 30 FEATURES DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD AI tools can be used to fight but also cause IP infringement 38 04 FEATURES SEISMIC SHIFT Artificial intelligence posed to revamp Canadian legal profession

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