Canadian Lawyer

May 2024

The most widely read magazine for Canadian lawyers

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Page 22 of 51 21 We thank our colleagues for recognizing our trial work. "[Simcoe County] took the position that Ms. Wasylyk was responsible for the collision, and it bore no responsibility…The total amount of the Judgment…is $18,315,371.25…Boland Romaine obtained an outstanding result for Ms. Wasylyk…Ms. Wasylyk's best interests and future care needs have been very well met, and Boland Romaine provided the platform upon which access to justice was gained." Wasylyk v. Simcoe County, (Barrie) CV-16-216 (Apr 3, 2024) Make an evidence-based referral 2015-16 TOP 10 Personal Injury BOUTIQUE C A N A D I A N L AW Y E R M A G A Z I N E 2015-16 TOP 10 Personal Injury BOUTIQUE SCAN TO LEARN MORE

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