Canadian Lawyer

May 2024

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18 TOP PERSONAL INJURY BOUTIQUES 2024 health crisis to help motivate a culture that includes mindfulness and an awakening to compassion and understanding," explains founding partner Jamie MacGillivray. "Through our work, sincere and benefi- cial human interaction can occur, reducing suffering." Several strategies have contributed to the firm's reputation for overall legal excellence, including: • paralegal, lawyer, and specialty teams facili- tate collaboration and efficiency, supporting knowledge-building and expertise • case management software customized to the firm's practice, streamlining processes across four offices in three provinces • investment in an AI chronology builder that integrates with existing systems Client service and satisfaction are para- mount at MacGillivray Injury and Insurance Law, evidenced by an unwavering commit- ment to guiding clients through the bureau- cracy to improve their situation after a catas- trophe or near catastrophe. "Our relationship with our clients has more value than the financial transaction," says MacGillivray. "We want our work to be rela- tional, helping people by simply being there for them, finding the right treatment providers, and just being a part of their journey." This culture of care is bolstered by an array of operational policies, ensuring client interactions at every touch point are posi- tive and reflect the firm's brand. Regarding client concerns, for example, the Starbucks LATTE model is used to Listen, Acknowl- edge, Thank, Take action, and Explain. "The key is to keep looking for ways and means to have our people talking and learning from each other," he adds. "Our goal is to help our clients get better and improve their life experience." Oatley Vigmond LLP Clients and peers praise the law firm's trial experience, advocacy skills, and compre- hensive knowledge of personal injury law, enabling Oatley Vigmond LLP to achieve some of Ontario's most significant decisions and settlements. The firm's legal team is renowned for their diligence and exhaustive case prepara- tion, a consistent approach that has achieved top-notch results when settling out of court. "One of the key strategies that has worked for us has been to build every one of our files as if it's going to go to trial," partner Ben Iran- talab says. "Doing so allows us to get a fairer settlement from the insurance company." Other factors that distinguish the firm include: • a dedicated technology and innovation committee that makes expert recommen- dations to improve systems and processes • advancing legal knowledge and expertise, such as partner Troy Lehman releasing the third edition of a book focused on jury liti- gation that builds upon previous editions authored by Roger Oatley • emphasizing clear and straightforward communication, which empowers clients to understand case complexities and participate in decision-making A consistent client-centred approach drives the firm's stellar reputation. Survey respondents appreciate the legal team's professionalism, strong work ethic, and METHODOLOGY Earlier this year, Canadian Lawyer asked readers from across Canada to vote on personal injury firms. They were asked to rank the top firms from a preliminary list, with a chance to nominate a firm that was not on the list. To be considered in the vote, firms were required to have the majority of their business come from personal injury work. The final rankings were determined through a points system in which firms were rewarded on a sliding scale for the number of votes by ranking. The winners were categorized by geography, including the Top 10 in Ontario and the Top 5 in Western and Atlantic Canada. The quantitative results were combined with the Lexpert peer survey results, where applicable, along with feedback from respected senior members of the bar and regional diversity considerations. "The outcome is important; we want to get the right dollar amount. However, the client's experience is equally significant. Our goal is to help them get better and improve their life experience" Jamie MacGillivray, MacGillivray Injury and Insurance Law SPECIAL REPORT

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