Canadian Lawyer

May 2024

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16 TOP PERSONAL INJURY BOUTIQUES 2024 THE PAST YEAR has seen the personal injury bar grapple with AI in law offices and auto insurance reforms, to potentially groundbreaking mass tort social media liti- gation, as well as greater competition for significant cases. Canadian Lawyer's 2024 ranking of the best personal injury law firms reveals an esteemed cohort of powerful advocates who genuinely care about achieving just and equitable results for their injured clients. The Top 20 Personal Injury Boutiques were culled from a pool of 126 distin- guished nominees, with input from over 1,500 readers and respected members of the legal community. ADVOCATES AGAINST ADVERSITY The award-winning law firms earned the trust and confidence of valued voters, who praised them for exemplifying the highest ideals of the profession on various fronts: • exceptional client-centred approach • expertise and advocacy • leadership and community engagement • quality of work and results Compassion at the heart of best personal injury law firms Respondents also offered first-hand accounts of their reasons for working with the acclaimed boutique firms rather than a large, multi-practice competitor: • "I am part of the decision-making process," an allied lawyer says of MacGillivray Injury and Insurance Law, Nova Scotia. • "The field is very complex and experienced firms with depth are so important," says a neurosurgery professor about McLeish Orlando LLP, Ontario. • "I have the best care I can ask for and had a knowledgeable lawyer to work with. This helped me to recover fast," says a client of Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers, Ontario. • "Their clients matter, and they stand with healthcare providers on a file. My opin- ions and concerns are heard, and they take my recommendations seriously, always pushing for the client's best recovery," says a clinical director about Oatley Vigmond LLP, Ontario. Reaching the top of the profession is a significant accomplishment that demands specialized skills, personalized service, and a steadfast dedication to fighting for compensa- tion and support that clients need and deserve. MacGillivray Injury and Insurance Law The 110-strong firm is an industry leader in Atlantic Canada recognized for its excep- tional advocacy skills in accidental injury and denied disability benefits cases. MacGillivray Injury and Insurance Law's dedication to prioritizing its clients' needs and well-being enables them to provide personal- ized service and achieve excellent results. "There is an opportunity for the mental TOTAL NUMBER OF CRITICAL INJURIES REPORTED TO ONTARIO'S MINISTRY OF LABOUR BY YEAR Source: Ontario Government, Occupational Health and Safety Worker Fatality and Critical Injury Counts Report – Critical Injuries – Ontario Data Catalogue 2,685 2022 2021 2020 2,387 2,029 SPECIAL REPORT

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