Canadian Lawyer

August 2023

The most widely read magazine for Canadian lawyers

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Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP is a member of Gowling WLG, an international law firm which consists of independent and autonomous entities providing services around the world. Our structure is explained in more detail at Advocating for your success. Jennifer King | Canadian Lawyer "Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers" Clients value Jennifer King's ability to develop innovative and practical solutions to achieve their objectives. She is a committed mentor, advocate for the Filipino-Canadian legal community and local volunteer. Undaunted by complex and novel cases, Jennifer is known for litigating environmental, municipal and emergency matters. She was lead counsel for the City of Windsor in securing the injunction against the 2022 blockades of the Ambassador Bridge, and represented the City before the historic Public Order Emergency Commission, which investigated Canada's declaration of emergency during the convoy protests. Gowling WLG is pleased to congratulate Jennifer on being voted among Canadian Lawyer's Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers. Learn more at

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