Legal news and trends for Canadian in-house counsel and c-suite executives
Issue link: 25 CLIH Sponsored GC RT - Torkin Manes Promo Ad_HP.indd 1 15/07/2020 10:33:32 am KIKELOMO LAWAL Interac Corp. CHRIS HARRS Spin Master Corp. PHILIP MILLEY Mastercard Foundation MEGAN EVANS The Hospital for Sick Children 15TH ANNUAL Canadian Lawyer InHouse General Counsel Roundtable Managing risk in the era of COVID-19 WATCH THE VIDEO COVERAGE ONLINE visit OUR TOPICS: General counsel: Viewing and managing risk Legal perspectives on key risk areas COVID 19: Adapting to increased legal risks Formalizing risk management throughout an organization sponsored by: INHOUSE: How much damage can be caused by social media and what policies do you have in place to mitigate against this? Milley: Reputational harm is probably one of the most significant areas of risk for any charitable organization. If you lose the public confidence, the confidence of the donors and the confidence of the beneficiaries you're trying to support, you might as well not be in existence. Social media is an area that has a potential to very, very quickly harm [the] reputation of an organization. We have several employment policies and social media policies that address the issue of social media use. We have a strong communications team that monitors social media. But, really, one of the strongest areas of mitigation can be through on-boarding and recruitment. Harrs: There's two facets of social media risk for us. There's internal use and we have an internet use policy and very strict guidelines about that. We developed a certification program so every employee has to do an interactive program that provides knowledge on what they can and cannot do. The other risk for us is in how we use social media for advertising. We must be very careful about collecting personal identifiable information for children. We're in this grey zone because we want to reach out to kids, we love to have their information and they all use TikTok and Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, but they're not supposed to because they're under 13. So, we're constantly walking that fine line between trying to reach the kids where they are but where regulation tells them they shouldn't be. INHOUSE: What kind of cybersecurity and data protection programs does your legal team utilize and have these protective