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ONTARIO'S LEGAL professionals had no
shortage of change to endure in 2019: The
provincial or federal government either
enacted or explored changes to criminal
justice, labour laws, auto insurance,
p r o m p t p a y m e n t a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n
adjudication, catastrophic injur y and
family law, to name a few. In the north,
Lakehead University is adjusting to a
new dean who hopes to push back on
the school's penchant for controversy by
focusing on Indigenous scholarship. In the
south, the Ontario Court of Appeal opened
its doors to live-streaming cameras, setting
a much-debated trend that may continue.
The judiciary also faced fresh scrutiny,
first by the Law Society of Ontario and the
Federation of Law Societies of Canada and
later by the national media in the wake of a
federal political scandal.
But from clinics and tribunals to
benchers and students to regulators and
referral networks, eight stories had even
bigger impacts on the profession:
The top stories
impacting lawyers now
Ontario's 2019 legal year in review