elcome to the second annual Canadian Lawyer Readers' Choice
Awards. This feature is designed to allow you, our readers, to
tell us which vendors and suppliers are the best at what they
do. Whether it was a crucial service or a time-saving product,
there was a category for you to cast your vote. From legal tech
products and business valuation services to recruiters and
legal research, the Canadian Lawyer Readers' Choice Awards showcases the
companies and products that prevailed among their competitors.
More than 1,600 readers cast votes for their preferred suppliers and vendors in
40 categories. Lawyers and legal professionals rely on these businesses and that is
why we have dedicated these pages to highlight those our readers recommend.
The Canadian Lawyer Readers' Choice Awards were created by Canadian
Lawyer with voting conducted via online ballot. Readers were notified of the
ballot through direct e-mails, print and online advertising and social media.
Results were compiled by the Canadian Lawyer team.
The ballot consisted of categories encompassing the areas of ADR & Mediation
Chambers, Financial Services & Consulting, Legal Research, Legal Technology,
Litigation Support & Consulting, Real Estate & Recruiting and Staffing &
Outsourcing. In total, more than 300 products and service providers were
listed on the official ballot and voters were also given the opportunity to write
in any businesses not listed.
Depending upon the number of nominees, we have named the top three to five
vote-getters in each category listed in alphabetical order.
Again, thanks for sharing your voice and your votes. Your opinions are reflected
on the pages that follow. If you do not see your favourite business recognized,
please be sure to vote next year.
The votes are in
Tim Wilbur
Canadian Lawyer