w w w . C A N A D I A N L a w y e r m a g . c o m M A R C H 2 0 1 6 47
Serengeti lets you wrestle even the most complex and
contentious matters into sweet, organized submission.
Legal billing can be rife with risks and potential perils. But Serengeti arms you to
the teeth with all the information you need to identify, assess and even predict
problems. You'll be able to spot overages and exposures easily, compare rates
and track outside counsel expenditures with one integrated, easy-to-use system.
And Serengeti is as cost-effective as it is efficient. One monthly fee covers
everything—all services, support, training and upgrades. So join the more than
600 corporate law departments and 28,000 law firms worldwide that use
Serengeti. And tame the billing beast.
To learn more, visit www.serengetilaw.com/canada or call 1.866.609.5811.
Take the bite out of billing.