There's wealth in working with the Top Private Bank. Year after year.
At RBC Wealth Management,®
comprehensive wealth management services that help their achievements live on for generations to come. This commitment has earned us recognition from Euromoney†
Private Banking, our approach is to put our clients first, providing as #1 in private banking services for
fi ve years running and has made us one of the top 10 wealth managers in the world.* To learn more, visit
There's Wealth in Our Approach. TM
*Scorpio Partnership Global Private Banking KPI Benchmark 2011. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. Above mentioned services are offered through Royal Bank of Canada or its affi liates. RBC Wealth Management is a specialized service of Royal Bank of Canada serving affl uent and high-net worth clients offering access to resources for a full suite of investment, trust, private banking and wealth management solutions. †
For over 37 years Euromoney has provided comprehensive coverage of the world's fi nancial markets to 140,000 fi nancial industry professionals February 8, 2012.