Noun: the propensity of a successful lawyer to remain with a new organization after placement by RainMaker Group
Origin: 1998, Lepofsky, A./RainMaker Group, North American professional legal recruitment services Related: stayputidness
RainMaker Group invented the personalized approach to legal recruitment, complete with a language all its own. You'll be surprised how clearly it speaks to your needs.
We make placements that last. Speak with us first.
RainMaker Group 110 Yonge Street, Suite 1101 Toronto, Ontario M5C 1T4 Tel: 416-863-9543 Fax: 416-863-9757
Adam Lepofsky: adaml@rainmakergroup.ca Coreen Lawton: coreenl@rainmakergroup.ca Danya Cohen: danyac@rainmakergroup.ca www.rainmakergroup.ca