Legal news and trends for Canadian in-house counsel and c-suite executives
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Canadian Business Law Journal Editor-in-Chief: Jacob S. Ziegel Associate Editor: Adam Ship Book Review Editor: Thomas Telfer Regional editors and specialist editors In print and now online, this internationally renowned journal strikes the right balance between commentary on current legislative and case law developments and in-depth analysis of major issues in the corporate, commercial and international arenas. Subscription $215/volume (includes online access for one personal workstation) • Issued 2/yr • P/C 0310090003 Back volumes and indices available upon request ISSN 0319-3322 • Call for site licensing prices NEW Cross-Border Litigation: Interjurisdictional Practice and Procedure Kenneth C. MacDonald This is an easy-to-use, practical guide to navigating all aspects of interjurisdictional litigation, covering everything from deciding where to commence litigation to enforcement of a judgment. Hardbound • Approx. 400 pp. • May 2009 • $115 P/C 0291010000 • ISBN 978-0-88804-484-6 NEW Enforcing Human Rights in Ontario Mary Cornish, Fay Faraday and Jo-Anne Pickel The Human Rights Code was recently amended to significantly change how human rights are protected, promoted and enforced in Ontario. Enforcing Human Rights in Ontario is the first book to outline how the new human rights system works, written by lawyers renowned for their experience in the area. Hardbound • 336 pp. • March 2009 • $98 P/C 0301010000 • ISBN 978-0-88804-485-3 Labour Relations Board Remedies in Canada, Second Edition Jeffrey Andrew This work covers the vast array of remedial orders issued by and available from the federal and provincial labour boards and provides an excellent procedural overview of the legislation. Looseleaf & binder • $199 • Releases invoiced separately (1-2/yr) P/C 0404032000 • ISBN 978-0-88804-480-8 CA04242 • JUNE 2009 Canada Law Book is A Division of The Cartwright Group Ltd. • Prices subject to change without notice, to applicable taxes and shipping & handling. For a 30-day, no-risk evaluation call: 1 800 263 2037 or 1 800 263 3269 INHOUSE Military Law and Operations Dr. Chris Madsen – Associate Professor, Royal Military College of Canada and Canadian Forces College This resource fills the need for a single source where you can readily access information on defence, armed forces and military law, as well as the legal dimensions of operations. Looseleaf & binder • $175 Releases invoiced separately (1-2/yr) P/C 0266030000 • ISSN 1918-2236 North American Relocation Law Benjamin A. Kranc and contributors A practical how-to manual for bringing the right types of personnel to North America. It efficiently guides you through the relocation process from beginning to end. Looseleaf & binder • $220 • Releases invoiced separately (2/yr) P/C 0975032000 • ISBN 978-0-88804-451-8 Regulatory and Corporate Liability: From Due Diligence to Risk Management The Honourable Todd L. Archibald, Kenneth E. Jull and Kent W. Roach This resource helps you look at the law from every angle. It is based on principles that are relevant to many areas of the law including occupational health and safety, the environment, competition and securities. Looseleaf & binder • $205 • Releases invoiced separately (1-2/yr) P/C 0134030000 • ISBN 0-88804-420-8 NEW Shareholders Agreements: An Annotated Guide, Second Edition Aird & Berlis LLP Edited by Lisa E. Moreau Guarantee that you've addressed the complex issues and considered all the circumstances which may arise, and their impact, with this well-crafted and user-friendly resource. Perfectbound with CD-ROM • Approx. 340 pp. • June 2009 Approx. $90 • P/C 0860010002 • ISBN 978-0-88804-489-1 CL0209