Canadian Lawyer InHouse

Aug/Sept 2014

Legal news and trends for Canadian in-house counsel and c-suite executives

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august 2014 28 INHOUSE Introducing: As part of a global company with a wide range of product lines, 3M Canada appreciates having peo- ple with different perspectives on its staff. That's why at 3M Canada's London, Ont., headquarters, the legal affairs team partners with a local organi- zation to help immigrants who have legal skills get the experience they need to work in this country. 3M Canada's chief privacy offi cer and legal coun- sel Ali Haidar, legal affairs director Blair Fantillo, legal counsel Tiffany Koch, and law clerk Chris- tina Hewitt were singled out for their teamwork in the category of Diversity, small departments. For the last 20 years, 3M Canada has worked with WIL Employment Connections, a London- based not-for-profi t organization that helps im- migrants prepare for jobs in Canada, and partners with employers to match talented individuals with workplaces. Through its partnership with WIL, 3M Canada invites legal experts new to the country to fi ll eight- week positions within the company's legal affairs department. "Our participation in the WIL pro- gram . . . has provided the participants with rel- evant legal experience they may not have otherwise been able to obtain," Haidar says. The partnership has "also allowed [WIL clients] to gain a better un- derstanding of the nature of the legal profession in Canada." Haider's colleague Fantillo concurs. "By all ac- counts, the placements have been a resounding success and we look forward to continuing this partnership," he says. Fantillo explains 3M Canada has facilitated more than 100 placements. "Some of those can- didates have successfully made the transition to full-time employment with the company," he says. Everyone on the 3M Canada legal team plays a role. Hewitt coordinates, trains, and supervises the WIL placements. Fantillo, Haidar, and Koch interview the prospective participants, assign daily tasks, and provide overall program supervision. The initiative benefi ts 3M as well as the WIL clients. The legal affairs team members gain valu- able opinions and input on processes. As well, team members who wouldn't normally play supervisory roles have the opportunity to learn the manage- ment ropes. Of course, the legal affairs group also benefi ts from the additional staff: work is complet- ed more quickly with help from the WIL clients. "As a result of the many positive experiences we've had with WIL Employment Connections, we continue to participate in many ways," Fantillo says. "We help newcomers gain business experi- ence in Canada relevant to their career path, as well as offer mentorship by our employees." Christina Hewitt, law clerk Ali Haidar, legal counsel & chief privacy offi cer Tiffany Koch, legal counsel Blair Fantillo, director, legal affairs Carol Ernest, law clerk Company offers short-term job placements to newcomers who want to exercise their legal skills. 3M CAnADA KICK-STArTS IMMIGrAnTS' nEW LAW CArEErS BY stEFaN DuBOWsKI catEgory: Diversity dEpartmEnt siZE: Small company: 3M Canada ROB NELsON

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