Stewart McKelvey proudly celebrates over twenty years of innovative
leadership as Atlantic Canada's fi rst and largest regional law fi rm. With a
distinguished heritage reaching back to Canada's confederation, our law fi rm
has established an international reputation for generating results. More than
220 lawyers and over 300 staff in our six locations have a single objective:
the best results for our clients.
Charlottetown, pE
65 grafton St., p.O. Box 2140
Charlottetown, pE C1A 1K8
phone: 902.892.2485 Fax: 902.566.5283
Fredericton, nB
Suite 600, Frederick Square, 77 Westmorland St.
p.O. Box 730 Fredericton, nB E3B 6Z3
phone: 506.458.1970 Fax: 506.444.8974
Halifax, nS
Suite 900, purdy's Wharf Tower One
1959 Upper Water St., p.O. Box 997, Halifax, nS B3J 3n2
phone: 902.420.3200 Fax: 902.420.1417
Moncton, nB
Suite 601, Blue Cross Centre, 644 Main St.
p.O. Box 28051, Moncton, nB E1C 1E2
phone: 506.853.1970 Fax: 506.858.8454
Saint John, nB
Suite 1000, Brunswick House, p.O. Box 7289, postal Station A
44 Chipman Hill, Saint John, nB E2L 2A9
phone: 506.632.1970 Fax: 506.652.1989
St. John's, nL
Suite 1100, Cabot place, 100 new gower St.
p.O. Box 5038, St. John's, nL A1C 6K3
phone: 709.722.4270 Fax: 709.722.4565
member approval is required. The corporation must
replace its letters patent, supplementary letters pat-
ent (if any) and bylaws with new charter documents
which comply with the New Act. The corporation
must submit articles of continuance, forms con-
fi rming the initial registered offi ce and fi rst directors
of the corporation, and a name search confi rmation.
Bylaws which are in compliance with the New Act
can be submitted either as part of the initial package,
or within 12 months of continuance following ap-
proval by the members.
Following a successful transition under the New
Act, all registered charities (including those who
have not amended their purposes and even those
who have obtained pre-approval from the Canada
Revenue Agency) must submit the certifi cate of con-
tinuance, articles of continuance, various fi ling forms
as well as a copy of the current bylaws and statement
of purposes to the Canada Revenue Agency.
As we're down to a matter of months before the
transition deadline of October 17, 2014, any corpor-
ation incorporated under the Old Act should turn
their attention to their continuance under the New
Act, so as to avoid an involuntary dissolution.
Kimberly Bungay, staff lawyer
Halifax, n.s.
Alanna Waberski, associate
saint John, n.B.
Sarah Almon, associate
saint John, n.B.