Canadian Lawyer

October 2024

The most widely read magazine for Canadian lawyers

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Page 34 of 59 33 in Toronto, says that family law disputes "lend themselves to time sensitivity" simply because of what needs to be resolved. "The most pressing issues often arise early on in the process of parents separating, and there's a dispute about who should be caring for the children, and for how long and when," she says. Beddoe adds that sometimes couples can't separate until an interim parenting schedule is determined, which could require the courts' services and take months to resolve. Then there are disputes related to support payments and how soon that money will get flowing, or even questions over who gets exclusive possession of the family home. "These are real people, and these questions over family matters are central to their lives," she says. "They are living the dispute every moment of every day, and it's stressful on ever ybody, children included, about moving for ward and starting new lives." She thinks of one case that has been going on since March. It's now approaching fall, "where everyone is still living under the same roof, there is no schedule, no support, and the court system is needed to adjudicate since both parties can't agree on anything." Beddoe agrees that the division of responsibilities between the various "These are real people, and these questions over family matters are central to their lives. They are living the dispute every moment of every day" Shannon Beddoe, McCarthy Hansen & Company LLP

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