The most widely read magazine for Canadian lawyers
Issue link: 37 to encourage all team members to use the system. Legal also engages with the sales team to evaluate Salesforce usage to help manage contracts. "The company is so small and moving so quickly, and I think as we scale it will be more and more critical to have good systems in place, because we won't have the ability to remember where a contract is or who worked on it," says Sangra. As the company grows, Sangra is keen to create an environment of collaboration and teamwork within the legal department and to avoid working in silos. He also wants to continue working closely with senior execu- tives and their teams to build relationships. "We are here to provide support and value to them, so we want to build those relation- ships so they don't hesitate to call us, even if it's not fully legal-related, because there's a lot of value that we can provide in identifying risks," says Sangra. HIGHLIGHTS OF BALLARD'S 2021 ESG REPORT Fuel cell technology prevented approximately 52 million gallons of consumed diesel Company achieved a 95% annual employee retention rate Female representation increased Ballard reduced its overall greenhouse gas emissions by 19% since 2019 Platinum used in Ballard's products was 95% reclaimed Ballard offset 798 tonnes of carbon dioxide through investment in the Great Bear Forest Carbon Project Ranj Sangra, Ballard Power Systems "Our supply chain needs a lot of legal support to navigate through all the different contracts we're trying to negotiate with suppliers around the world"