Canadian Lawyer

September 2021

The most widely read magazine for Canadian lawyers

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14 FEATURE CROSS EXAMINED After September 11, 2001, Faisal Kutty has fought several legal battles against discrimination with the Council on American Islamic Relations (Canadian Chapter — CAIR-CAN) and the Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association (CMCLA): 2001: Critiquing and advocating for reforms to the Anti-terror laws enacted post 9/11 2005 – 2007: Maher Arar rendition matter and inquiry on behalf of CAIR-CAN and CMCLA 2005: Faith-based arbitration controversy in Ontario (as counsel to a coalition of Muslim groups) 2006: Air India Inquiry (as counsel to CAIR-CAN and CMCLA) 2006: Toronto 18 Terror Cases (represented a suspect and made submissions to the UN on behalf of some family members) 2007: No-fly list (Passenger Protect Program) — made submissions on behalf of a coalition of Muslim groups 2007: International Trial Observer in Egypt at the military trial of political dissidents in Egypt POST 9/11 ACTIVISM and writing and backed out of the advocacy that 9/11 had forced him to fight in public. However, in the last few years, his interest in public advocacy was rekindled when Quebec banned religious coverings, and the federal government debated whether to pass a non-binding motion condemning Islamophobia. Kutty points to the legal system in Canada as one of the biggest impediments to positive change, and the lack of organized groups that can challenge the government overreach that his father experienced, and what drove him to act post-9/11. "Having lived in the US, I feel like Canada always points the finger at how things are bad there. But in reality, those bad things ESTATE PLANNING SOFTWARE For lawyers, by lawyers → Leverage Hull & Hull LLP → Cenerate =;lls ;n → Pr

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