Canadian Lawyer 4Students

Fall 2012

Life skills and career tips for Canada's lawyers in training

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* SIT HERE As A a stududent, yo help you in u ries an y u want is all ri ou succeed ou want to start yo ed now and d in th ndustr es, a d work main yo gs h re. k alol ngsidee sen ntaining a balanced life in a vibra r ghht he he futu e. Yo wou wantt to g ngain expe ie c e ioi r assoc ate ant city. our car ure s cia es on hi h-l y With BD h gh- evel D&P's e work a eer w thwi h a firm h t ca m tha an off r su por o fe s summemm r an nd art a tiiclin s ppo t an m nto sh er ence acrossros a varie k. And d youu want to ng p og ams, ev pr gra nd men orship to ety of sectors an o do all this whi eh le e erything g a d S GNSI N HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOU A A G AT AGREAT FIRM VISI RM, VIS B UT A GREAT WOORK X ERI S T BDPLLAW.COM K EXPE ENCE, Common Sense, Uncommon Innovation WORK HERE PLAY HERE NETWORK HERE FUEL HERE UNWIND HERE

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